December 16, 2006

What is this sight and what are these eyes?

Re: Instruments of Knowledge and Post-Human Destinies by RY Deshpande on Fri 15 Dec 2006 07:28 AM PST Profile Permanent Link
I am reproducing in the following some relevant portions from my foreword to Jugal Kishore Mukherjee’s The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri published in 2001 by the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. In the context of our discussion pertaining to the tools of observation and perceptions we shall see separately a few of the aspects presented in it.
When the eye opens to the multiple glories of Savitri, sight itself begins to climb supernatural heights. Jugal Mukherjee traces the entire curve running through space and time, as well as entering into the domains wherefrom arrives the true sight which supports everything. But the question is: What is this sight and what are these eyes? We may have a quick look at it to appreciate the nature of the ascending series of sight itself. Sometime ago Debashish reviewed Jugal Mukherjee’s book and I will request him to reproduce it here in this comments-file; or else he can make an independent posting with a link provided here. This will be very useful. There are many aspects which must be covered under the head “Instruments of Knowledge and Post-Human Destinies”; however, my own subsequent postings will be with gaps in between. The Foreword follows:...
by Debashish on Fri 15 Dec 2006 11:05 AM PST Profile Permanent Link Thank you RYD for this wonderful accumulation of materials on the Senses of the senses, the supra-human sources of human mental instrumentality of knowledge. These qoutes and commentaries bear deep reflection. I do not remember writing a review of Jugal Kishore's Ascent of Vision. I reviewed his next 2 books, The Practice of the Integral Yoga and the Mysteries of Life, Death and Causality. DB
Re: Debashish's review of Jugal Kishore's "Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth" by rjon on Fri 15 Dec 2006 12:44 PM PST Profile Permanent Link Debashish's review of one of Jugal Kishore's books is here on SCIY: Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth, by Jugal Kishore Mukherjee.

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