August 19, 2015

Cripps’s Mission, Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi

Sraddha - August 2015, Cover: Painting by Giles Herdman
On India - The Mother 
Hidden Meaning of the Veda Vedic View of Sacrifice – Part II - Santosh Krinsky
The Mundaka: Chapter III: Section I The Art and Science of Living - Alok Pandey
Gitanuvachan Second Series (Chapters XI & XII) - Srimat Anirvan
The Mother image in Sri Aurobindo - Prema Nandakumar
Attainment of Immortality – Pt. II Interpretation - Debashish Banerji
My contact with certain phases of the Independence Movement - C C Dutt
India the Secular State (The Right Interpretation and the Wrong) - Amal Kiran (K D Sethna)
India's Independence and the Spiritual Destiny - R Y Deshpande 
Sri Aurobindo and the Indian National Movement - R K Das Gupta
Cripps’s Mission: an Analysis - Divakar and Sucharu
Note: The month of March is memorable for what took place in it in 1942. The most thorough account of that significant event appeared last year in the October issue of the Students' Magazine, Vers 1'Avenir, from the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, pp. 22-25. We congratulate its authors, Divakar and Sucharu, and are proud to reproduce their work in our pages minus the short introductory paragraph. At the end we have appended the famous exchange between Sri Aurobindo and Sir Stafford Cripps as well as some other relevant matter of importance not generally known. This is the prefatory note by (Amal Kiran) KD Sethna, the editor of Mother India when he published it in the March 1992 issue of the periodical.
The Organisational Cycle: The Age of Reasoning - Suhas K. Mehra
Aims of True Education: Sri Aurobindo and Mahatma Gandhi - Beloo Mehra
Exploring the ‘Spirit of Delight’ in Sri Aurobindo’s sonnets - Aurobindo Goswami
Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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