February 27, 2016

From Postcolonialism to Transhumanism: No escape from Sri Aurobindo

With due respect to Charles Darwin, I use the word ‘evolution’ in its deeper and spiritual sense, not purely mechanical. For this, I lean on Indian spirituality, best articulated in the words of Sri Aurobindo, which effectively captures evolution into this statement: into matter burst life, into life entered mind, into mind will arrive the spirit.
But the process of evolution is incomplete. The barbarian lurking within us may not have the stamina or strength to kill or maim physically. But the driving vital force being of the same origin, surely it can express itself using the same tools of reason, rationality and logic to capture and control.
The barbarian in us has merely changed its weapons. Its spirit remains strong, it powers us, it pulls us back, it tells us that the temple of the body is where salvation lies not in the fuzzy ideas of the mind. #anti nationalism #FWeekend #InMyOpinion #JNU#Nationalism #Sedition #SeditionDebate by Gautam Chikermane  Feb 27, 2016 

Cultural Politics in Modern India: Postcolonial Prospects, ... - Page 80

It seems to me that this aspect of Aurobindo's thought has direct bearing on the crucial debate over the status and position of Enlightenment rationality within Western thought. The key text here is obviously Horkheimer and Adorno's Dialectic of ...

Makarand R. Paranjape is Professor of English at the Centre for English Studies, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He was the inaugural Eric Auerbach Visiting Chair in Global Literary Studies at the University of Tubingen, Germany, and served as the first ICCR Chair in Indian Studies at the National University of Singapore. His latest works includes The Death and Afterlife of Mahatma Gandhi (2014) and Swami Vivekananda: A Contemporary Reader (2015).

India’s global proximities derive in good measure from its struggle against British imperialism. In its efforts to become a nation, India turned modern in its own unusual way. At the heart of this metamorphosis was a "colourful cosmopolitanism," the unique manner in which India made the world its neighbourhood. The most creative thinkers and leaders of that period reimagined diverse horizons. They collaborated not only in widespread anti-colonial struggles but also in articulating the vision of alter-globalization, universalism, and cosmopolitanism. This book, in revealing this dimension, offers new and original interpretations of figures such as Kant, Tagore, Heidegger, Gandhi, Aurobindo, Gebser, Kosambi, Narayan, Ezekiel, and Spivak. It also analyses cultural and aesthetic phenomena, from the rasa theory to Bollywood cinema, explaining how Indian ideas, texts, and cultural expressions interacted with a wider world and contributed to the making of modern India.

Freedom Without Violence - Page 242

Indian Idea of Freedom: Political Thought of Swami Vivekananda, AurobindoGhose, Mahatma Gandhi, and Rabindranath Tagore (Gurgaon, Haryana: Academic Press, 1982). On freedom as a particularly complex and multifaceted concept in ...

Bindu Puri - 2014 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions

... Nehru, Ambedkar and Abanindranath Tagore) were engaged in a search for “ the 'swa' in 'swaraj'” (Vajpeyi 2012: x). ... Aurobindo had also sought an answer to the question: “What was this ancient spirit and characteristic soul of India?


According to Wouter Hanegraaff in New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, in addition to the hippies ... As Adam Curtis explains: [Esalen founder Michael Murphy] gathered together a group of radical psychoanalysts and psychotherapists and encouraged ... Before also settling in San Francisco, Murphy traveled to India to study with SriAurobindo ( 1872–1950.


In the same way that many Christians, Buddhists, Jungians, and followers of Aurobindo and the Mother tend to see the world and all of its particulars through the lens of their specific religious or spiritual commitment, devoted followers of Rudolf ... Beginning with the founding of the Anthroposophical Society in 1912, and then more systematically and decisively beginning in 1923 (for the last two and a half ...

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