June 30, 2017

How to bring the now subconscious parts under a conscious control

Dear Kashyap and Vinod,

Debate is at a very interesting point and I feel Sri Aurobindo can be of help to resolve issues.

1. On the Ontology front, he posits the Exclusive Concentration concept whereby the highest Consciousness restricts itself to become finite beings.

2. On the Epistemology front, he invokes the Logic of the Infinite principle which, in essence, means the highest Consciousness is not bound by our rationality and can manifest simultaneously as void as well as existence or something can arise out of nothing and things like that.

If one accepts these two aspects, other jigsaw pieces fall into place and there are no contradictions in Ontology. Otherwise, forced juxtaposition of distinct domains are bound to be at loggerheads, for a long time in future.


Tusar (b.1955)
June 30, 2017
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The central seat of the body’s will is in the brain, the most developed and, ontogenetically, the most recent in evolution, the prefrontal cortex. The parts controlling respiration and heartbeats are placed down below in the third layer of the brain. Keeping in view nature’s logic of telencephalisation or to put it philosophically, ascent and integration, these lower parts have to be under the control of the higher. Recent evidence suggests it as well. It is just that we have not been trained to look at it from that angle but it can be developed methodically in such a way that our conscious mental will controls even the ‘autonomous parts’. From our point of view that is indeed one of the things Sri Aurobindo has suggested for the body — to bring the now subconscious parts under a conscious control. It is perhaps just a question of reactivating these sleeping paths. 

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